If you are enrolled in classes and you do not plan on attending that term, you must submit a Withdrawal Request Form in CalCentral > My Dashboard > Add a Withdrawal Request.
If you submit your form before the first day of instruction for the term, your request will be processed as a Cancellation. You will be dropped from all classes, and all term fees will be de-assessed. There will be no notation of the cancellation on your transcript.
New undergraduates: If this is your first semester at UC Berkeley, before canceling your registration, contact the Office of Undergraduate Admissions about the possibility of deferring your admission. If you cancel your registration, you will be required to submit a new admission application to attend a future semester. The same process applies to new students who enroll in summer and then cancel their first semester enrollment.
Continuing students: If you submit your Withdrawal Request Form on or after the first day of instruction, your request will be processed as a Withdrawal. You will be dropped from all classes and will be subject to prorated penalties outlined in Refunds After Withdrawal.
You should meet with your college adviser (undergraduates) or major adviser (graduate students) before initiating your request as your form will not be processed until approved by your college or school dean’s office (undergraduates) or major adviser (graduates).
Withdrawing also affects a semester of financial aid eligibility. If you have a student loan (Federal Direct, Health Professions, or Perkins), the process remains the same as any withdrawal, and you are required to complete an exit interview.
When you cancel or withdraw, you will no longer be eligible to attend for that semester or any future semester until you are Readmitted. The last day to submit a withdrawal is the Friday of RRR week at 11:59PM PDT.